Hello, now I will tell you about the slavery in USA,
causes to that, the life on the plantation and slave trade.
It was much slavery in America because there was a shortage of workers labor in North America. Both men and women were needed to work the land. The South had a major crop that required several thousand or million people to harvest. Cotton was the main crop and the slavery was banned everywhere else.
Slaves could be rented or traded or sold to Pay Debts. Ownership of more than a handful of slaves bestowed respect and Contributed two social position, and slaves, as the property of private people and companies they worked for, slaves represented Reviews the largest portion of the region's personal and corporate wealth, as was cotton and land Declined prices and the price of slaves soared. Slavery became unprofitable in the North and South because the tobacco prices were dropping.
Before the Europeans were settled in the Americas, it was the plantations that had been a great effect for a long time. The sugar plantations had ground around Mediterranean in the Middle Ages. The sugar plantation is bigger than the Tobacco plantations. It was the Portuguese and the Spanish people who began sugar cultivation and after a while, they began to use African slaves too. The Africans were shipped from the kingdom of Kongo. They produces sugar, the sugar went to north Europe.
The plantations became bigger when the sugar came to the landscape. The British people turned to slavery for the cultivation of tobacco in North America. The centre of tobacco trade in Glasgow and it was 145 000 enslaved Africans who worked in the region. After a while, the British started to rice cultivation in the Carolinas, and then, they turned to the plantation model and it was 40 000 people who had been trafficked here.
It was much slavery in America because there was a shortage of workers labor in North America. Both men and women were needed to work the land. The South had a major crop that required several thousand or million people to harvest. Cotton was the main crop and the slavery was banned everywhere else.
Slaves could be rented or traded or sold to Pay Debts. Ownership of more than a handful of slaves bestowed respect and Contributed two social position, and slaves, as the property of private people and companies they worked for, slaves represented Reviews the largest portion of the region's personal and corporate wealth, as was cotton and land Declined prices and the price of slaves soared. Slavery became unprofitable in the North and South because the tobacco prices were dropping.
Before the Europeans were settled in the Americas, it was the plantations that had been a great effect for a long time. The sugar plantations had ground around Mediterranean in the Middle Ages. The sugar plantation is bigger than the Tobacco plantations. It was the Portuguese and the Spanish people who began sugar cultivation and after a while, they began to use African slaves too. The Africans were shipped from the kingdom of Kongo. They produces sugar, the sugar went to north Europe.
The plantations became bigger when the sugar came to the landscape. The British people turned to slavery for the cultivation of tobacco in North America. The centre of tobacco trade in Glasgow and it was 145 000 enslaved Africans who worked in the region. After a while, the British started to rice cultivation in the Carolinas, and then, they turned to the plantation model and it was 40 000 people who had been trafficked here.
The slave exports grew very fast. It grew from 36.000 a year during the 18th century to 80.000 a year during the 1780s. It was more than a half off all Africans who were sent to the Americas and a quarter of the Africans were imported to British North America. It was so many Africans who were shipped across the Atlantic, near 11 863 000 people. The result of the Africans who arrived in the Americas was 9.6 – 10.8 million people. Between 1619 and 1807 it was 500 000 people (Africans) who were imported the place which is U.S now. People were imported into the Americas too, it was 6 percent of the people. 70 percent of the people came directly from Africa. It was also slaves who were imported into the Caribbean and South Africa, 90 percent were sent here and 6 percent were sent to British North America.
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